Wye Bother?
The beauty of the river and its hinterland has long been a source of inspiration to writers, painters and composers. It is host to literary, poetry, music and food festivals. From Iron age hill forts to the cathedral city of Hereford the river connects thriving communities and local industry for centuries.
A Remarkable River From its source in the Plynlimon Hills to its exit into the Bristol Channel the Wye contains some of the most important wildlife habitats in northern Europe. Internationally designated as a special area of Conservation as well as an area of outstanding natural beauty, testimony to the contribution the river makes to the landscape.
What can you do to make a difference in the Wye?
There are a number of ways you can choose to be involved in the Partnership. If you would like to keep up with meetings and news, please send us an email to register.
Now read on to find out how to get your hands dirty and help to make a difference in the catchment!
If you live in the catchment…..
There are a number of ways you and your family can do your bit to protect the Wye at home.
Misconnections – Drainage misconnections are common. Check all the drains from your property are correctly connected especially kitchen drains, dishwashers and washing machines. If wastewater or sewage is connected to a surface water drain you may be polluting your local river or stream.
Manage your septic tank – If you’re not connected to the mains you may have a septic tank or package treatment plant which requires careful maintenance to ensure it doesn’t pollute the local stream or river. Owners can ensure that their systems are properly maintained by following best practice guidelines.
Choose wisely – the Wye suffers from excessive amounts of Phosphate which damages aquatic plants and wildlife, everyone will need to do their bit to reduce their contribution & every householder can make a difference by choosing certain detergents.
Pick up litter – It is easy to walk past rubbish and litter, but this means it often ends up in our local rivers and streams posing a risk to the wildlife that live in it. Two simple asks – don’t drop it, and secondly if you see litter pick it up!
Learn more about the Wye’s history – the Bulmer Foundation have composed an excellent summary of what has attracted people and industry to the Wye catchment over the centuries – starting with Lord Nelson’s package holiday!
If you work here…..
Many local businesses are already involved in the Wye Catchment Partnership. How could getting involved benefit your business?
Engage with the local community – the Partnership provides excellent opportunities for supporting projects delivering improvements on the ground, working with local communities and educational projects for local school children.
Corporate responsibility – involvement in the Partnership can be a key opportunity to promote the environmentally friendly approaches of your business and help to achieve your corporate responsibilities.
Make a difference on the ground – there are lots of ways local businesses can utilise Environmental Leave Days to help with practical work in the Wye and really make a difference on the ground. Visit the “If You Volunteer Here” section below to see all the organisations you could get involved with.
Keep up to date of local issues – attending the Partnership meetings helps businesses to keep up to date with local issues which may impact on their operations and provides excellent opportunities to discuss how these issues can be overcome with collaborative approaches between like-minded partners.
If you play here…..
Make the most of our beautiful catchment! Click on the links below to find out about the sights and attractions in the Wye and the best ways to enjoy them.
If you volunteer here….
Volunteering is an excellent opportunity to acquire new skills, meet like-minded people and make a difference in the Wye. A number of partners offer Volunteering Opportunities at different times throughout the year including: Litter Picking, Eradicating Invasive Weeds, Riverbank Management & Riverfly Monitoring. Or you could undertake management work and practical improvements to nature reserves or important wildlife habitats. To find out more click one of the partner links below:
Lugg & Arrow Fisheries Association
The Countryside Restoration Trust
Campaign to Protect Rural England