All bookings and fishing information is handled by the separate Fishing Passport website.
Launched by the Foundation in 2003, the Fishing Passport has grown into one of the biggest day ticket schemes in the UK. It now offers anglers direct access to over 200 river and still water fisheries across Wales and the Marches.
No water is owned or leased by the Foundation or Fishing Passport. We are a letting agent for owners who would like an effective method of opening their fishery to visiting anglers.
The Foundation’s earliest environmental projects were supported with EU funding. One of the conditions was to show that the work and subsequent improvement to fisheries benefitted the rural economy, either with direct employment or by increasing fishery revenue.
Boosting fishery income is also an important part of the river restoration process. In doing so, more is then re-invested by fishery owners into environmental work.
Meanwhile, for visiting anglers especially, the ease and simplicity of having a central focal point for hundreds of fisheries has obvious advantages.
More on the history of the Passport scheme
How it works
The Fishing Passport website is a quick, easy way of booking day tickets for over 200 river and still waters.
It also gives information on latest catches, river conditions, instructor/guides, where to stay and everything else you might need to fish in Wales and the Marches.
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The Wye and Usk Foundation
The Right Bank, The Square
The Wye & Usk Foundation is a charity registered in England and Wales (no. 1080319).